Resume Tips

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Resumes and Cover Letters

Want to perfect your resume and cover letter? Here are the most frequently asked questions, with answers and insider tips from career experts.

How to Create an Effective Resume Header (Examples)

Here’s how to write an impressive resume header based on your career level and industry, plus example resume headers to help you get started!

What Companies Look for in At-Home Workers

Remote work requires traits and skills not always required when working in person. Here are skills to highlight and strengthen when opting for a remote job.

How to Write a Resume Headline

A resume’s headline is often the first thing a hiring manager sees. Here’s how to write a knockout headline and impress hiring managers from the jump.

Sales Resume Tips: Essential Skills to Include and More

Are you aiming to land a job in sales? Here’s how to create an impressive sales resume that will help you get interviews and land your next opportunity.

13 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job

Not hearing from a company after a job interview is frustrating. Is it you? Is it them? Is it something else? Here are 13 reasons you didn’t get the job.

How to List Work Accomplishments on Your Resume

Simply listing tasks on your resume won’t capture a hiring manager’s interest—here’s how to share career accomplishments that will grab their attention.

3 Expert Tips for Writing an Executive Resume

If you’re applying to executive-level positions, the standard resume just won’t cut it. Follow these expert tips to write a winning executive resume.

Marketing Resumes: Tips, Skills to Include and More

Are you applying for marketing jobs? Here’s how to create the best marketing resume, including essential marketing skills, experience, and more.

Writing an Effective Resume After You’ve Been Laid Off

Updating your resume after being laid off can be a daunting task—but investing the time and energy to perfect it is well worth the effort.

Customer Service Resumes: Tips, Skills to Include and More

Are you applying for customer service jobs? Here’s how to create the best customer service resume, including customer service skills, experience, and more.

Top 20 Must-Have Skills to Put on Your Resume

When thinking about skills for your resume, it’s important to know which will be the most important to employers. From technical skills to interpersonal skills, here’s how to figure it out.

Why You Should Focus on Skills, Not Just Your Job Title

Worried your job title is holding you back? Here’s how to set yourself up to gain broad-ranging skills and an impressive title with a long-term career plan.

5 Secrets of a Winning Resume

Resume writing it not everybody’s forte, but is a necessity to land a new job. These five secrets will help your resume win an interview!

How to Create a Short Resume (or Mini Resume)

A short resume can help you stand out when networking with potential employers. Here’s how to craft your short resume and highlight the right details.

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A great resume writer can help you stand out from the competition. Here’s how to find resume writing services, what they typically cost, and more.

How to Publish Your Work or Writing Samples Online: 4 Tips

Employers often ask for writing samples or other examples of your work. Here’s how to publish your work samples online and stand out from the competition.

How to Prep Your Resume for Automated Resume Scanners

Often, your resume won’t reach a real person until it runs through an applicant tracking system. Here’s how to prep your resume for ATS resume scanners.

Should You Put Your Photo on a Resume?

In today’s tough job market, you need anything to make your resume stand out from the competition. But is putting a photo on a resume the right move?

How to Make a Resume When You Have Little or No Experience

No experience? Your resume can still make a great impression. Here’s how to expand your resume with key skills, contact info, volunteer experience and more.

7 Resume Tips for Unemployed Job Seekers

Your resume is your first chance to make a great impression. Follow these tips to smooth over unemployment gaps in your resume and focus on your future.

How to List Temporary Work on Your Resume

A temporary job is a great way to build your resume. Here are resume tips for temporary workers to make the most of these experiences.

5 People Who Can Help Review Your Resume

Before applying to a job, your resume should be polished and perfected. Here are a few of the people in your life that can help review your resume!

7 Ways to Age-Proof Your Resume

Worried your age is holding you back in your job search? These resume changes can help you get your foot in the door.

What Counts as Remote Work Experience?

Think you don’t have remote work experience? You may have more than you realize. Here’s what to highlight from your work experience.

7 Resume Tips for Consultants

If you’re breaking into consulting, your resume is very important. Follow these resume tips to make your consulting qualifications stand out.

How to Use Your Resume to Tell a Story

Your resume is often how you make your first impression in a job search. Here’s how to write a compelling resume, so hiring teams will want to meet you.

How to Know Your Resume Is Ready to Be Submitted

Not sure if your resume is ready to submit? Follow these 10 steps to make sure your resume is refined, relevant to the job, and ready to submit.

Great Computer Skills to Include on Your Resume

Employers will look for certain computer skills on your resume, depending on the role. Here are example computer skills and how to list them on your resume.

How to Design a Creative Resume

If you’re breaking into a creative industry, it’s important to have a visually interesting resume. Use these tips to create an eye-catching resume.

8 Signs Your Resume Isn’t Ready to Be Submitted

Ready to hit that submit button? Wait! Slow down and make sure that your resume is error-free and perfect for the job. Here are signs your resume isn’t ready.

7 Questions Your Resume Should Answer

Recruiters and hiring managers try to answer these simple questions based on your resume. Make sure your resume provides this information upfront.

How to Optimize Your Resume for an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Optimizing your resume for an applicant tracking system improves your chances of reaching hiring managers and recruiters. Here’s how to optimize your resume for an applicant tracking system.

How to Write a Freelance Resume

Here’s why you should consider maintaining a resume as a freelancer, and how to create one that showcases your skills and experience.