Flex Workers

How to Get a Job Where You Used to Work

Are you longing for your old gig? If you want to turn back the clock and return to a job where you used to work, use these five tips to navigate the situation.

Best Careers According to Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Your Myers-Briggs personality type can help you find a career where you will thrive. Explore careers by personality type and find the best career for you!

Empowering Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Workplace

The impacts of domestic violence can surface at work. Here’s how to support your coworkers and what to do if you are experiencing abuse.

4 Tips to Grow Your Freelance Business

Want to be a successful freelancer long-term? Use these tips to build your client base and grow your freelance business over time.

How to Work from Home: 12 Tips

Wondering how to work from home and stay productive? Here’s how to set yourself up for success as a remote worker.

How to Negotiate When a Pay Raise Isn’t an Option

Salary negotiation didn’t go as planned? You can still negotiate for other benefits, including a new title, greater work flexibility, and more.

What Makes a Good Coworking Space? Here’s What to Look For

Coworking spaces can help you find a productive flow in a professional atmosphere. Here’s how to find the best coworking space for your needs.

Stressful Job? Here’s What to Do

Every job, even a job that you love, can be stressful. If you have a stressful job, use these tips to set boundaries and manage your stress.

8 Strategies to Stay Focused as a Freelancer

Freelancing is a very independent way to work, but it can take effort to stay focused. Use these strategies to stay on track.

Remote Work Basics: Home Office Setup and Essential Skills

From technical must-haves for your workspace to essential remote work skills, here’s what you need to work remotely.

7 Tips to Impress Your Boss When You Work From Home

It can be challenging to stay on your boss’s radar when you work remotely. Use these seven strategies to help keep your boss involved and in the know.

What Work-From-Home Moms and Dads Need to Know

Work-from-home parents take busyness to a whole new level. Use these essential tips to find balance in both your professional and personal life.

How Flexible Work Decreases Caregiver Discrimination

Flexible work can help fight back against caregiver discrimination. Here’s why flexibility is an essential step in support of caregivers.

How to Onboard a New Freelance Client: 7 Steps

You’ve done the hard work and landed a new freelance client—now what? Here’s what to do when starting a new freelance client relationship.

How to Find Electronics Recycling For Your Home Office Tech

The best way to dispose of your old devices? Recycle or donate them! Here’s how to find electronics recycling near you, local nonprofits, and more.

5 Daily Rituals to Set Yourself Up for Career Success

Following daily rituals can help you maintain balance and productivity. Here are nine simple rituals to support your wellness and your career.

FlexJobs Celebrates National Flex Day

National Flex Day is a great time to raise awareness of the need for work flexibility. Join us in advocating for a more balanced way to work.

How to Find a Career Sponsor

Having a career sponsor who advocates for you can be incredibly beneficial for your career. Here’s how to find a great career sponsor.

Know Your Core Values for Job Satisfaction

Core values are the critical beliefs by which you live your life, both at work and at home. Here’s how to leverage your core values for job satisfaction.

How to Live and Work Wherever You Want

Do you dream of traveling? Becoming a digital nomad is a great way to live and work wherever you want. Here’s how to find new opportunities and destinations.

5 Big Myths About Freelance Jobs

Perhaps you’ve heard that freelancing is “easier” than a traditional job, but that isn’t necessarily true. Here are five important misconceptions about freelance work.

Military Spouses Get 1 Year of LinkedIn Premium Free

Military spouses can take advantage of special LinkedIn offers, thanks to a partnership with the DOD Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program.

9 Great Blogs for Working Parents

Are you a working parent looking for ways to make your life easier? If so, you’ll want to check out the many blogs aimed at helping working parents.

How to Limit Tech and Screen Time for Your Well-Being

Chances are, you rely on technology a great deal in your work and personal life. Here’s how to set boundaries with your devices and protect your well-being.

6在家工作的规则为家人,朋友,and Roommates

在家工作时,它是一个好主意ground rules and outline expectations with everyone at home—your spouse, children, roommates, even yourself. Here’s how to set ground rules and maintain boundaries between work and family.

The State of Mothers and the Workforce

The latest research related to mothers in the workforce. What’s the impact of motherhood on work? Is there an “ideal” work arrangement for busy moms? Let’s find out.

How to Move On From Mess-Ups and Mistakes at Work

在工作中犯错误可以动摇你的信心,but failure is often a great chance to learn and grow in your career. Here’s how to move on after making a mistake at work.

How Flexible Work Can Bring Us Closer to Gender Equality

Gender equality in the workplace remains a goal that is, as yet, unattained. Here’s how flexible work can offer a significant nudge in the right direction.

What Flexible Work Means to the FlexJobs Team

At FlexJobs, we’ve been a virtual company with a remote staff since our beginning. From happy families to healthier living and more, here are the reasons we love work flexibility.

How Flexible Schedules Help Working Parents Get It All Done

Work-life balance can feel elusive for working parents, but flexible schedules can help. Learn more about flexible schedules and how to discuss them with your employer.

3 Ways to Celebrate National Working Parents Day

How can you support and help working parents, or advocate for yourself? Here are some tips to help you celebrate working parents this year.

Men Want Paid Paternity Leave—and Employers Should, Too

Learn the latest stats on paid paternity leave, how many men want fair paternity policies, & which companies offer great paternity leave.

How to Meditate at Work: Tips to Launch a Regular Meditation Practice

There are many benefits to meditation, like being a more productive and efficient employee. Here are a few tips on how to meditate at work.

Work-From-Home Jobs That Pay $25 per Hour

Looking for a remote job, but worried you won’t be able to find one that pays well enough? Check out these 10 jobs from home at $25 an hour.