5 Big Myths About Freelance Jobs

Frustrated with your day job? Have you been considering starting to freelance butaren’t quite sure what to expect? Your neighbor said there’s no job security, but a previous coworker said they’re making great money.

Freelancingis becoming more and more common these days, with people recognizing that it brings the opportunity to eliminate a commute and create their own schedule. However, most of the time,you won’t jump into a six-figure income, nor will you get to work in your jammies all week. At least, not if you’re interested in having a full-time income.

What else have you heard about freelancing? Let’s tackle a few of those myths.

Busting Freelance Misconceptions

1.You Own Your Own Business

This one isn’t exactly a myth. While it’s true that some people do turn theirfreelancing jobsinto a full-fledged business, many choose to work for other companies. So,becoming a freelancer doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to set up shop; you can happily work for a company (or three).

Realistically,它使你的自由职业生涯and is dependent on the field you’re in. For example, a freelance writer has the potential to create long-term relationships with their clients. On the other hand, a freelance web designer is more likely to provide a one-time service to each client.

However, all freelancers are entrepreneurs when it comes tomanaging taxes, marketing, and all other business aspects. So, you will be juggling a lot of different hats.

2.Freelancers Make Substantially More Money

Sadly, this isn’t always the case. Although freelancers can out-earn salaried employees, freelancers might make the same or less than regular company staffers.

This myth exists because many freelancers are paid a total amount without taxes being taken out. Although freelancerscanearn more, they wind up paying more taxes at the end of the year than a staffer who has had their taxes taken out from each check.

Also, you will need to build experience and maintain excellent business practices.Tenured freelancers often make substantially more than new freelancers, as they build relationships with their clients. While their reviews and testimonials grow, so will the amount they can charge.

3.You Don’t Have a Boss

Well, that’s true, actually. Instead, you have several bosses. Each of your clients is responsible for approving the work you submit and paying you on time.

One of the challenges of being a freelancer is, generally, there’s no HR company to mediate challenges andensure that you get treated fairly. Every freelancer has that “terrible client” story. But they stand out because it’s not the standard.

Most of your clients are likely to be terrific business people with great intentions.If you thrive on the energy of interacting with multiple personalities, you might embrace freelance work. Although, you will still be responsible for ensuring that you have communicated and meteach client’s expectations.

4.Freelancing is Easier Than a “Real” Job

Quite the opposite is true! People choose freelance jobs for various reasons, including having a better work-life balance. The ability to customize schedules so that work life and family life are more cohesive is a considerable benefit. Others want tocontinue working after retirement, just on their terms.

The biggest thing to remember is that freelancers don’t get to clock out when their work is complete. Salaried employees clock out after their shift, but freelancers are responsible for every other business aspect. Finding time to balance completing the service you’re providing and other tasks, such as marketing, client meetings, taxes, etc., is more than any salaried employee is expected to do.

Ensure you don’t mistake the idea of a better work-life balance with less work.People with freelance jobs work just as much as the average employee. They do get to work on their own terms though. Setting their hours, plus not having to waste time commuting into a job, means that there’s more time to dedicate to both work and play.

5.Freelancers Are Always Passionate About Their Work

With dedication, your hard work will pay off, and you’ll find your way to doing what you love for a living. Still, there will be days when work feels like work, clients aren’t your favorite, and tasks are mundane.

If you are considering going into freelance simply so you can be a [photographer, designer, artist, etc.] full-time, it might be a great time to step back and analyze if this is the best career move. Working for an agency, you’ll be able to focus on your craft without dealing with the other business aspects.

However, suppose you’re considering becoming a freelancer because you’re passionate about having ownership of your entire process and the ability tocreate a work-life balanceon your terms. In that case, freelancing is a great option. Also, this is a great way to gain experience if you’re planning to make a career move. Once you’ve gained a portfolio and terrific reviews, you will be in a better position to land a job if that’s your goal.

Don’t Be Misled

Freelance work can be an advantageous and lucrative next step in your career. As with any career decision, the best way to make a move is with research andwell-laid career goals.

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