Dress for Success: What to Wear for a Video Interview

With the rise of business casual, jeans all day every day, and even yoga pants whileworking from home, figuring out what to wear to a video interview—or any interview—is no longer a simple matter.

Fortunately,looking good on camera and in an interview can be easyif you remember a few rules. Follow these tips and you’ll dress to impress.

check mark iconWhy What You Wear Matters

It’s important to remember that yourvideo interview is the first real impression you makewith the hiring manager and whoever else you meet during your interview. Even if you’re on video, your attire says the same as it would if you were in person.

data entry iconWhat Colors to Wear in a Video Interview

The concept of color psychology is that the colors we see can impact our moods and perceptions. Though there isn’t much research into the subject, the concept of color psychology is one you should keep in mind as you figure out what to wear in your video interview (or any interview!).

The colors you wear can have asurprising impact on how hiring managers perceive you as a candidate. While the color of your shirt or jacket shouldn’t make a difference in whether or not you’re hired, color can have a subtle influence on what your interviewer thinks about you.

In general,it’s best to wear one of four “neutral” colorsto an interview to help interviewers develop a positive perception of you.

  • Blue: shows that you’re confident, trustworthy, and a team player
  • Black: implies leadership, sophistication, and exclusivity
  • Gray: you’re independent, logical, and analytical
  • White: makes people think you’re safe and organized

When in doubt, choosing one of these colors as your “main” color for your interview outfit is a safe bet. If nothing else, these colors are easy on the eyes, making it more likely that the interview focuses on you and what you’re saying, not your clothing.

x iconWhat Colors to Skip for Your Video Interview

Though no color is technically off-limits in an interview, these colors have more negative connotations associated with them. Choose wisely, or skip them entirely!

  • Brown: makes people think you’re reliable and dependable but also old-fashioned
  • Orange: unfortunately, orange has been voted theworst color to wear in a job interview
  • Red: associated with power, energy, excitement, and courage, but also hostility and defiance
  • Yellow,Green, andPurple: you’re fun

While it’s OK to include some color in your interview outfit, think small. For example, consideradding a splash of color to your outfitand still make a statement without overdoing it.

Alternatively, you can “think soft” and choose light or pastel tones. For example, if yellow is “your” color, and it makes you feel confident and strong, by all means, wear it. However, choose a shade of yellow that is more like a “soft sunrise” and less “neon banana.”

check mark iconWhat to Wear for a Video Interview

All of the above advice applies to what to wear to an interview, no matter the format. However, when you’reinterviewing for a remote job, you’ll bedoing a video interview, and video interviews have their own “what to wear” rules.

Solid Rules

Solid colors are the best choice for in-person and video interviews. However, when it comes to choosing the right color for your video interview, you need toconsider your webcam and your background.

Depending on your webcam, you may need to adjust what colors you wear. For example, if you’ve opted for grey, you may be better off with a darker grey than a lighter grey, depending on the quality of your webcam and how you’re lit during the interview.

As a rule,darker colors show up better on camera.Be sure to give your outfit a test run before the video interview in case you need to swap out your outfit.

Also, think about your background. Beyond making sure your background is neat and clean, make sure you choose clothing colors that contrast with your background, so you don’t blend into it.

The video interview is also a good time to skip the patterns. Depending on your webcam, your internet connection, and your interviewer’s webcam and connection, small patterns may create amoire effect. In a nutshell, small patterns can show up as a funky-looking “wave” pattern on your clothing. Though probably not a deal-breaker, it can be distracting.


Jewelry is fine to wear during your video interview. However, less is more. If you normally wear statement necklaces, skip them for the interview. They can pick up glare from the lighting and be distracting on screen. Ditto for large watches and deeply colored gemstones.

Stick withsmall jewelry items that don’t catch as much lightand aren’t distracting.

Fit and Fabric

Make sure you wear breathable fabric. Interviews are nerve-wracking and, like it or not, you may sweat. So, help yourself out and wear a breathable fabric that improves airflow.

Get Fully Dressed

即使对于一个视频面试,你需要衣服bottom half. You might think you can get away with shorts or pajamas, but there areone too many horror storiesof a misaimed camera, someone pushing back from a desk or standing up to grab something without thinking.

So, make sure you wear interview-appropriate pants (or a skirt if you’d prefer) because you just never know. Having your outfit fully equipped will likely help get you in the right headspace, too.

recruiting iconDress to Fit

Whatever you wear, make sure it fits in with thecompany culture.

Not sure where to start? Try the company website and its social media accounts. What are people wearing in the pictures? That’s a good indication of how you will be expected to dress every day.

smiley face iconAcing Your Video Interview

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