4 Ways Standing Desks Can Improve Job Search Productivity

ByAlexis Reale, Staff Writer

Every mainstream trend eventually is subject to skepticism and backlash, and the standing desk is no exception.

Some call the standing desk “the latest Silicon Valley status symbol,” with companies like Facebook and Google adopting the practice as part of its standard employee-wellness programs.

However,standing desks are not a new concept—in fact, they have been in use for centuries by legends Winston Churchill and Thomas Jefferson, who worked at a standing desk every day.

Despite the fact that standing desks are no longer the undisputed solution to the problem of ourhealth and the modern, sedentary workplace, they still play an integral part in the future of the workplace.

Here are four ways standing desks can contribute to job search productivity:

1. They can keep your energy levels high.

Even Facebook recruiter Greg Hoy is feeling the benefits of a standing desk, reporting to theWall Street Journalthat he doesn’t get the 3:00 p.m. slump anymore and feels active all day long. Standing desks have been known to keep energy levels high in the office and they can do the same for professionals looking for a job.

The task of finding a job is no easy fare, and keeping energy levels high is crucial to ensuring that you’ll have the energy and stamina to find the right job for you.

2. They can trick your brain into completing tasks more quickly.

Whereas sitting invites in contemplation and more time to think and process information, standing does the opposite and creates a sense of urgency to complete the task at hand. Standing can aid tremendously in productivity when you have an idea of the desired outcome as it can create just the right amount of urgency for you to kickstart, and successfully complete, your task.

This simple shift in body position can create a massive change in your brain and lead to many more hours ofproductive, undistracted work.

3. They can help you hone in on your focus.

When we sit, we also allow time for our minds to wander as our brains associate sitting with leisure time. Employees report spending more time surfing the web or scrolling Facebook when sitting as opposed to standing.

If you treat sitting as a reward for completing a task while standing, you will be able to better compartmentalize your tasks.

4. They can keep you unitask.

Multitaskingis known to contribute to lower levels of productivity and sitting further enables professionals to check email, social media, their phone, and participate in other workplace distractions. Standing, on the other hand, is not as comfortable for most and creates a sense of urgency and focus that drives professionals to complete the task and take a break.

Aside from the productivity boosts, using a standing desk can increase caloric expenditure by up to 30 percent, improve posture, decrease the risk of back pain, and increase blood flow. There are many ways you can create your own standing desk today and start experiencing the immediate effects of a standing workstation.

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contributed to this post.

Originally posted November 10, 2016. Updated March 6, 2017.

Photo Credit: bigstockphoto.com

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