How Remote and Flexible Work Can Help Military Spouses

ByJessica Howington, Senior Content Manager

For many military spouses, the only constant is that there is no constant; what works one day may not work the next. Mission requirements change, people come and go, homes move across oceans, and in most cases, family and support systems are located hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away.

And long-term careers or even temporary employment can be hard to come by for the military spouse. When living internationally, jobs are scarce. When located stateside, military spouses can find it just as hard to land a job because they are seen as a “flight risk.” There’s no telling when those orders will roll in to pack up and move out.

However, manymilitary spouses want to work and are educated, dedicated, and loyal employees. Fortunately,flexible, remote jobscan help provide calm and stability in the ever-changing world of military spouses and can be the answer tomaintaining a career as a military spousewhile meeting the demands of military life.

Ways Flexible and Remote Work Can Help Military Spouses

1.Gives Them Flexibility to Support Their Family

Active duty military members are told what to do and have to follow orders—there’s no bargaining—and military spouses are often along for the ride. Flexible employment allows them to arrange their schedules tomeet all the new demands of home life on their own,无论是一个家庭维修,原文如此k child, or a broken-down vehicle.

2.Provides Them With Consistency

Military spouses often have to move—sometimes to another house, other times to another country. However,just because they move doesn’t mean that they want to leave their jobs. Having ajob that can travelwith them and be a constant in an inconsistent environment is important. Plus, it enables them to stick with a company and job they’ve come to know and love.

3.Lets Them Be Involved in the Community

It’s important for military spouses to gain cultural knowledge and experience through living like locals wherever they are stationed. Spending time exploring their local area and connecting with other military spouses and civilians caninstill a sense of pride and may even help combat lonelinessfrom being away from family and friends.

Military spouses also often want tosupport fellow military spouseswhenever they need that shoulder to lean on or an extra set of hands. A flexible work-from-home job can give them time in their schedule to volunteer and help out whenever needed.

4.Allows Them to Travel Back Home

Nothing makes a military spouse more homesick than an upcoming holiday alone or a significant moment they would typically share with family. Sure, they have a new station with new friends, but those don’t come close to a Thanksgiving meal at home, especially if they are OCONUS (Outside the Continental United States). Military spousesneed the flexibility to travel back homeand see parents, siblings, family, and friends. Sometimes this is weeks or months at a time, so being able to take their work with them is essential.

5.Empowers Them to Love Their Jobs

For military spouses and most of the general population, being happy at home and happy at work is incredibly fulfilling.Flexibility at workallows military spouses to be available for their families and the service, which in turn allows them tocontribute and be productive (and happy) at work. Flexibility also keeps military spouses engaged and loyal to their employer, particularly when they can move their job with them.

Remote and Loving It

Flexibility is the name of the game for military spouses.

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