FlexJobs’ Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

ByJessica Howington, Senior Content Manager

Changing careers is a common part of many people’s professional journeys. It’s so common that FlexJobs’Spring Work Insights Surveyof 2,600 currently employed professionals found that 83% of respondents are either looking to change careers (58%) or have tried to change careers (25%). The survey also found that 42% of workers are considering quitting their jobs and another 20% have already done so.

There aremany reasons behind a career change, as FlexJobs’ survey found. The most commonly cited reasons for changing careers were: wanting a remote job (50%), higher pay (48%), better work-life balance (46%), more meaning/fulfillment (40%), expanding skill set (30%), advancement opportunities (28%), approaching retirement (16%), pursuing a passion/hobby (16%), current job not a fit (13%), and turning a side hustle into a full-time job (12%).

Regardless of the reason,the shift in your career can have a big impacton all parts of your life. Making it a positive change is the goal.

For professionals thinking about or making a career shift, FlexJobs has the resources to help you make your career change a success. Below is a guide to changing careers covering a range of articles and webinars tosupport you in your career change journey.

Table of Contents

The Right Time for a Change

5 Common Reasons to Change Careers

Summary:A significant percentage of workers are considering or have already embarked on career changes, with motivations ranging from salary improvements and seeking greater job satisfaction to dissatisfaction with leadership and a desire for work-life balance. As individuals increasingly prioritize their personal and professional goals, understanding these common reasons for career changes can help guide successful transitions.

5 Reasons People Don’t Change Careers (Even When They Should)

Summary:Many individuals desire a career change but often remain in unsatisfying jobs due to various concerns. This article explores common reasons people avoid changing careers, such as fear of starting over or perceived age limitations, while providing practical tips and resources to help individuals successfully transition into fulfilling new professional paths.

6 Reasons to Find a Different Career in Retirement

Summary:Retirement doesn’t always equate to complete withdrawal from the workforce. This article highlights six compelling reasons why retirees might consider pursuing a different career in their golden years, such as seeking new challenges, exploring uncharted professional paths, turning hobbies into income streams, enjoying work flexibility, adapting to changing needs, and making a meaningful contribution to society.

3 Questions to Ask Before Changing Careers

Summary:As careers and personal aspirations evolve over time, it’s crucial to periodically reassess whether your current professional focus aligns with your current self. This article presents three key questions to contemplate before changing careers, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, redirecting skills, finding renewed passion, and exploring new directions to ensure a fulfilling and authentic career path.

8 Must-Ask Questions Before a Big Career Change

Summary:Before embarking on a career change, it is crucial to conduct a thorough self-assessment. This article presents eight key questions to ask oneself, addressing factors to consider. Carefully considering these questions can help ensure a successful and fulfilling transition.

How to Find Your Unique Path to Career Success

Summary:The concept of career success has evolved, allowing individuals to create personalized paths aligned with their goals and life circumstances. This article offers five strategies to identify and pursue your own version of career success. Taking control of your career and crafting a fulfilling journey is the key to finding true professional satisfaction.

Is It Time for a Career Change? Look for These Signs

Summary:对你目前的不安和不确定的感觉career? This article highlights several indicators that may suggest it’s time for a career change. From losing confidence to experiencing burnout, FlexJobs offers support and resources to help you successfully navigate a career change.

Is It Too Late to Start a New Career?

Summary:Wondering if it’s too late to change careers? This article explains that it’s never too late to pursue a new path and highlights reasons why, such as gaining self-awareness, having valuable skills and experience, the flexibility to explore different job options, the ability to showcase transferable skills, and the opportunity to create a tailored career change action plan.

What Is a Career Change? How to Find a New Direction

Summary:This article explores the concept of career change, discussing its definition and reasons why people pursue new career paths. It emphasizes the importance of having a solid career change action plan, which includes identifying transferable skills, leveraging professional networks, and updating resumes to align with new career goals.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

Planning for a Career Change

6 Steps to Break Out of a Bad Career

Summary:This article emphasizes the negative impact of staying in a dissatisfying career and highlights the benefits of making a career change. It provides practical steps for leaving a bad career behind and encourages readers to create their own career change success story by dedicating themselves to planning and hard work.

6 Tips for Starting a New Career at 50

Summary:This article provides advice and tips for individuals who are considering changing careers after the age of 50. It emphasizes the importance of determining what type of lifestyle one wants to support with a new career and identifying transferable skills that can be applied to the new field.

7 Career Change Obstacles and How to Overcome Them

Summary:The article discusses common obstacles that people face when making a career change and provides tips for overcoming them. It emphasizes that change can be exciting and fulfilling and that career changers should not be discouraged by the challenges they may encounter.

Changing Careers in Your 30s: What You Need to Know

Summary:This article discusses the considerations and steps involved in changing careers in your 30s. It emphasizes the importance of identifying whether it’s your job or career causing dissatisfaction and explores reasons for a career change, the pros and cons of switching careers in your 30s, and practical tips for successfully transitioning to a new career path.

Creating a Successful Career Change Action Plan

Summary:This article provides guidance and tips for individuals considering a career change, emphasizing the need to address fears, create a career change plan, and be patient throughout the process. It highlights the importance of building a budget, finding a career sponsor, gaining experience through volunteering or training programs, leveraging transferable skills, and effectively updating your resume and cover letter for a successful transition.

Creating Your Career Change Budget: 10 Tips

Summary:This article provides 10 practical tips for creating a career change budget and managing finances while transitioning to a new job or career path. It emphasizes the importance of tracking expenses, paying down debt, building an emergency fund, and strategically planning for the financial aspects of a career change.

How to Change Careers: A Step-by-Step Guide

Summary:This step-by-step guide offers practical advice on how to successfully change careers. It covers important aspects such as understanding your motivations, exploring your passions, assessing your skills, conducting informational interviews, gaining additional education if necessary, and building a professional network in your new career field.

How to Choose a New Career: The 4-Step System

Summary:This article presents a four-step system to help individuals choose a new career or job. It emphasizes the importance of self-assessment, exploring various possibilities, conducting research, and evaluating options based on personal motivations and needs. By following this system, job seekers can make informed decisions and find career paths that align with their interests and goals.

How to Find a Career Change Mentor

Summary:Finding a mentor during a career change can provide valuable guidance and support. This article offers tips on discovering an ideal career change mentor, including determining your career path, building your network, reaching out to former professors, focusing on skill sets rather than fields, and asking specific questions to potential mentors.

Midlife Career Change in Your 40s: A Complete Guide

Summary:If you’re considering a career change in your 40s, take your time to explore your options and understand your motivations. Promote your transferable skills and leverage your professional network while also familiarizing yourself with the latest job search trends.

Planning a Career Move: Tips for Young Professionals

Summary:Young professionals considering a career change can benefit from these seven tips. They should evaluate their motivations for changing careers, identify their wants and needs, prepare themselves for the transition, and network with professionals in their desired fields. Taking these steps early on can lead to future success and fulfillment in a career they love.

The Ultimate Career Change Checklist for Job Seekers at Any Age

Summary:This article provides a comprehensive career change checklist for individuals considering a transition to a new profession. It covers various aspects, including self-evaluation, networking, skill building, job search strategies, and making the switch, offering valuable guidance and resources to support successful career transitions at any age.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

Career Change Job Search Tips

5 Social Media Tips for Career Changers

Summary:This article offers five valuable tips for career changers to effectively utilize social media platforms during their transition. It emphasizes the importance of optimizing and maintaining professional profiles on relevant platforms, engaging with industry professionals, staying informed about trends, and working to establish credibility and facilitate the shift to a new profession.

6 Networking Tips for a Career Change

Summary:This article provides six valuable networking tips for career changers. By actively networking and expanding their professional network, career changers can access valuable resources, industry insights, job opportunities, and training options to facilitate a successful transition.

8 Career Change Mistakes to Avoid

Summary:This article highlights eight common career change mistakes to avoid. By navigating the outlined pitfalls, individuals can increase their chances of achieving a satisfying and successful career change.

8 Career Change Tips and Best Practices

Summary:本文提供了八个职业技巧和变化best practices for individuals considering a transition to a new profession. A few tips include committing to change by creating a career change action plan, emphasizing transferable skills, filling skill gaps, leveraging the cover letter, and networking.

Career Change Cover Letter Tips to Land an Interview

Summary:This article provides career change cover letter tips for individuals seeking to transition into a new field. The tips include briefly acknowledging the career switch in a positive manner, focusing on transferable skills to demonstrate value, expressing passion and knowledge about the new industry, and maintaining a positive tone without disparaging past experiences.

Career Change Resume Tips: Effectively Translating Your Skills (With Examples)

Summary:This article offers tips on how to translate skills on your career change resume to facilitate a smooth transition into a new field. Examples of career change resumes are provided to demonstrate how to tailor experience descriptions and use relevant keywords for the new career path.

Career Change? Take Advantage of Freelance and Volunteer Work

Summary:This article suggests using project work as a method to transition into a new career field. It highlights five tips, including taking on projects at your current job, enrolling in online courses, earning certifications on the side, picking up freelance gigs, and volunteering, as ways to gain experience and develop skills for a career change.

How to Change Careers With No Experience

Summary:This article addresses the challenge of changing careers when you have no relevant work experience in the desired field. It provides guidance on how to navigate this situation, including steps such as exploring your interests, researching the new career, and gaining relevant experience through classes or volunteer work.

How to Find Job Retraining Programs for Your Career Change

Summary:本文提供了指导retr找到工作aining programs for individuals seeking to change careers. The article emphasizes the importance of researching the desired career, exploring free options first, and finding the program that best suits one’s needs for a successful career transition.

Job Interview Tips for Career Changers: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

Summary:本文提供了建议如何处理工作interviews when changing careers. It advises being prepared to explain the reasons for the career change, highlighting transferable skills from past experiences, and demonstrating a commitment to the new career path to showcase the value you bring to the employer.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

Career Shift Motivation

9 Famous Career Changers and How They Did It

Summary:This article highlights the career changes of famous individuals who took unconventional paths to success. From a construction worker turned baker on a reality TV show to a computer technician turned comedian, these stories demonstrate that finding one’s true passion often involves soul-searching, experimentation, and embracing new possibilities.

9 Ways Volunteering Can Be a Step Toward Changing Careers

Summary:This article discusses how volunteering can be instrumental in facilitating a career change. It emphasizes the benefits of gaining experience, expanding professional networks, acquiring new skills, and testing out potential career paths through volunteering.

21 Childhood Dream Jobs for Adults That Are Remote-Friendly

Summary:This article highlights how many childhood dream jobs can actually be achievable in real life. It provides a list of common childhood dream jobs and offers job search tips to help individuals pursue their dream careers.

FlexJobs Helps Man Find Flexible Job, Focus on Career Change

Summary:This article features Scott H., who decided to change careers and pursue writing full-time. Using FlexJobs, Scott found a work-from-home job that pays the bills, offers improved work-life balance, and allows him to spend more time with his family, making it a dream come true for him.

FlexJobs Members Find Career Change Success

Summary:This article features testimonials from FlexJobs members who have successfully changed careers using the platform. They express their satisfaction with finding flexible and remote jobs that allowed them to pursue their new career paths, improve their work-life balance, and fulfill their professional goals.

FlexJobs Members Find Remote, Entry-Level Job Search Success

Summary:This compilation post features testimonials from FlexJobs members who successfully found entry-level, remote jobs through the platform. They express their satisfaction with the variety of entry-level job opportunities available and how FlexJobs helped them find flexible work that suited their needs, particularly for someone lacking experience in their career.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

Jobs for Career Changers

20 Companies Offering Remote Jobs Worldwide

Summary:This article highlights 20 companies from various industries that hire globally and offer remote job opportunities. From tech companies to nonprofit organizations to educational platforms, these employers provide flexible career paths for individuals seeking international job opportunities.

25 Companies That Hire for Hybrid Jobs (Partially Remote)

Summary:本文强调了各种公司er hybrid remote jobs, which allow employees to blend in-person and remote work. From insurance providers to financial institutions to healthcare companies, these employers offer opportunities for individuals seeking a combination of remote and in-office work.

30 Fully Remote Companies Hiring Right Now

Summary:FlexJobs identifies 30 fully remote companies that are currently hiring for work-from-home positions. These companies span various industries, including digital marketing, software development, gaming, and financial services, offering a range of job opportunities for job seekers seeking remote work.

25 Companies Hiring Now for Remote, Work-From-Home Jobs

Summary:FlexJobs has compiled a list of companies currently hiring for remote jobs, reflecting the increasing trend of companies embracing permanent remote work options. The list includes a diverse range of companies offering opportunities across various industries and job roles.

30 Companies Hiring for Part-Time, Remote, Work-From-Home Jobs

Summary:The article highlights the top 30 companies that frequently hire for part-time, remote, work-from-home jobs. These companies offer various job opportunities in fields such as marketing, healthcare, virtual assistance, education, and more, providing flexibility and remote work options for individuals seeking part-time employment.

How to Find Online Jobs (Work-From-Home Jobs) That Require Little or No Work Experience

Summary:The article showcases remote, work-from-home jobs that require little to no experience. It emphasizes the importance of transferable skills, such as budgeting, project management, leadership, and communication skills, and suggests various entry-level positions frequently hiring.

Top 40 Companies With Remote Jobs Open Anywhere in the United States

Summary:The article discusses the increasing demand for remote jobs without location requirements and provides a list of 40 companies that offer fully remote positions open to applicants from anywhere in the United States. It also highlights the top career categories and job titles that offer location flexibility, emphasizing the growing popularity of remote work and the freedom it provides to professionals.

Top 100 Companies to Watch for Remote Jobs in 2023

Summary:FlexJobs’ Top 100 Companies to Watch for Remote Jobs list showcases companies that embrace remote work. The list reveals the increasing variety of job titles and career levels available in remote positions and highlights the top career categories and job titles sought by job seekers.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

Career Change Webinars

How to Change Careers and Work Remotely (Webinar Recording)

Summary:This webinar offers guidance for individuals who are unsure about their career path or considering a career change. It presents FlexJobs’ four-step system for choosing a new career, providing insights on understanding motivations, exploring different career options, and evaluating the best paths for personal growth and satisfaction.

FlexJobs' Ultimate Guide to Changing Careers

More Career Change Support

Looking for more support as you transition careers? Check out ourcareer change article section, and take a tour tolearn more about FlexJobs.

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