How FlexJobs Supports Veterans & Military Families

ByRachel Jay, Content Specialist

November is National Veterans and Military Families Month. With Veterans Day observed every November 11th, it is the perfect time to celebrate those who have served in the U.S. armed forces and their families who support them.

At FlexJobs, we believeveterans and their families are an important part of the workforce. Let’s take a look at what the month celebrates and how flexible work can support military spouses, veterans, and the entire military community.

What Is National Veterans and Military Families Month?

Established in 1996 by the Armed Services YMCA, National Veterans and Military Families Month is a time torecognize and show appreciation for those whohave sacrificed to serve our country. Each year, the President signs a proclamation that officially declares the month of November as Military Families Month.

支持军事公司mmunity can be done in various ways during November. These are a few suggested byMilitaryBenefits:

  • Donate a Thanksgiving gift to junior-enlisted members and their families through theUSO-Metro’s Turkeys for Troops.
  • Create a spouse or service membercare packagewith items to help ease deployment stress..
  • Adopt a soldierfor the holidays.
  • Thank an active-duty member, veteran, military spouse, or military child for their service.
  • Fly the U.S. flag.
  • Offer a military neighbor a bit of respite with volunteer childcare so they can accomplish errands or even enjoy a few hours to recharge.

How FlexJobs Supports the Military Community

FlexJobs has long supported the military community, helping them meet their unique needs regarding employment. We’ve embraced various opportunities to show appreciation and help bridge the stunningunemployment gaps many military families face.

Ongoing Career Support and Advice

Beyond curating flexible job listings, FlexJobs strives to be an entire suite of career resources for our military members. Below are just a few of our most popular resources.

Employing Military Members Ourselves

Furthermore, we walk the talk and support the military demographic in the most authentic way we know. At FlexJobs, we’re proud to have severalmilitary spouses and veterans working on our teamto ensure that we can share our resources with even more service members and their families.

Working With Other Flexible Employers

As the premier remote and flexible jobs platform, we recognize that we’re uniquely positioned to support the military community. Behind the scenes, we work diligently to help employers discover new ways tohire from the military communityfor their own teams.

Flexible Work Success Stories From Military Spouses and Veterans

When it comes to themilitary community finding work, they face many obstacles. Frequent moves and deployments can make maintaining stability and longevity in their careers challenging. Flexible work can solve this problem, allowing workers to take their jobs with them no matter where they relocate.

FlexJobs has heard from many military spouses and veterans who18beplay官网using our services. In their words, these are a few stories about what flexibility has meant for their careers and families.

Flexibility to Homeschool

“We are a military family in the process of moving (again), and one of my children is homeschooled. My husband is active in the Army, and I am an Air Force reservist. I needed a position that wouldlet me stay relevant in the civilian workplacewhile allowing me to be at home as much as possible for my family. I never in a million years thought I would find a full-time position in the exact industry I wanted.”Jessica T.

Finding a Job That Can Move

“I wanted to find a more flexible job because my husband is in the Air Force. With the unpredictable nature of his job, I wanted something of my own that I could do thatwasn’t tied to a specific location. I wasn’t aware that there were some companies that are 100% remote (like mine). Now I know that there are many other opportunities I can take advantage of in the future that fit my needs better than a traditional position.”Danielle V.

Balancing Caregiving With Career

“I’m disabled, and my spouse is a 100% disabled veteran, so I needed a job that would keep me home. Since we live on a fixed income, this extra income will definitely help out.I don’t have to worry about my spouse being home alone, and the flexibility will help us take care of anything we need to do.”Linda B.

Not Having to Start Over

“I’m a wife, mother, and military veteran. I transitioned from the Army in 2020 and was looking for remote opportunities. I needed a job that moved whenever we did. As a military wife, having a flexible jobmakes it easier to transitionand move with my active-duty Army husband. I’m not faced with having to start over and find a new job every time we move. Now that I work remotely, I don’t think there’s another type of role for me! Use FlexJobs. Check it often. And don’t give up on the search!”Miranda W.


“FlexJobs was a godsend for my family. With two small children and a 100% disabled OEF veteran for a husband, I was needed at home to help my family. An office-based job just wasn’t possible, but my family couldn’t get by with just my husband’s military pension. I heard about FlexJobs and signed up for a year subscription. FlexJobs gives the ability to consolidate and search for real remote positions—no scam jobs here. I found many positions with Fortune 500 companies and the like and especially appreciate that FlexJobs would list the accreditation of the company in the search results.”Joy W.

Finding Flexible Work During Military Families Month

今年11月,我们所有人在FlexJobs kbeplay中心appnow that we appreciate you. Being part of the military community comes with unique challenges, but finding a great job doesn’t have to be one. FlexJobs is here to help you find a remote, flexible career that fits your life. With thousands of jobs available, we have a job opportunity that’s perfect for you.

So, whatever stage you’re at in your career—whether you’re just starting out or looking for a change—FlexJobs can help you take the next step. Take the tour and discover all of the resources we offer.

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