6 Tips to Help Keep Your Job Search a Secret

It’s almost always easier to find a new job when you already have one. The challenge, though, is that you need to keep your job search a secret from your current boss. If they find out before you have an offer, things might get a little tense.

You canhave a successful job search and keep it a secretuntil you’re ready to share the news. Here’s how to keep your job search under wrap.

Ways to Help You Keep Your Job Search a Secret

1.Keep Up the Good Work

Since you know you’re eventually moving on from the job, you might start slacking off without even realizing it. You might spend a little more time on social media and less time on your tasks. Or, you might start coming in late, leaving early, and taking an extra-long lunch!

But these actions could send a signal to your boss that you’re actively looking for a new job or that you’re not as engaged as you once were. And that could lead to problems at work—including being fired!

Even if you’re beyond ready to quit, keep performing to the levels you always have. This way, when you do resign, your boss will still think of you as the professional they’ve come to know and is more likely to result in a positive reference from them in the future.

2.Maintain Boundaries

There are only so many hours in the day. And because many of them are spent on the job, it can be tempting to conduct parts of your job search while you’re on the clock. But even a quick glance at an email or listening to a voicemail can let the cat out of your job search bag.

Maintain boundaries between your work and job search.Conduct all job search-related activities on your own devices, not company-issued ones. This includes not using your personal phone on the company’s servers or Wi-Fi connections. It is far too easy for an employer to see what websites (and job boards) you’ve been visiting during office hours and who you’ve been talking to.

即使你在家工作和使用自己的实习生et connection, your employer can still see all the emails in your company account, so only communicate with potential employers using your personal email address.

3.Interview After-Hours

如果你在办公室工作,安排你面试outside of your workday—preferably before or after hours. First, it helps maintain the boundaries between work and your job search. If you’re always cutting out of the office for “an errand,” people may start to get suspicious.

This applies tovirtual interviewstoo. If you work in an office, try to schedule interviews outside of the workday so you’re not constantly running to the car or coffee shop for 30 minutes at a time.

Second, having your interviews outside of work hours gives you the time to change into and out of yourinterview clothing. If you don’t work in a suit and tie kind of place and suddenly you’re dressed to the nines every few days, your boss will start to wonder what’s up.

If you work remotely, you won’t have quite the same scheduling challenges. But remain aware of when and how often you’re interviewing. If you’ve always been available between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and suddenly you’re busy during that time more often than not, thatcould raise some suspicions.

4.Keep It Quiet

No matter why you’re looking for a new job, keep the fact that you’re looking to yourself. You never know when someone might say something that makes it way back to your boss. No matter how excited you are about your job search, don’t share the news until after you have a written offer in hand.

The one exception istelling your networkyou’re looking for a job. They might be able to connect you with thehidden job marketand speed your search along. Butbe cautious in who you speak with. Try to pick people with no connection to your current employer, and ask them to keep things as quiet as they can.

5.Find Fresh References

Your boss-to-be wants to get a fewjob referencesfrom you as part of the final phase in the job interviewing process. That’s good news. But don’t use your current boss as one of them.

Instead, reach out to former coworkers and supervisors. Depending on your situation, you could ask an old teacher or even someoneyou volunteer withto be a professional reference. Essentially, anyone who can attest that you are a great worker and a professional can act as a reference.

6.Check Your Social Media

As common as it is for hiring managers toscreen applicants on social media, your current employer may also keep tabs on your profiles. While the best thing to do is not post anything about your job search,check your privacy settingsand lock your accounts down, so you don’t accidentally broadcast what you’re doing.

For example,on LinkedIn, consider not using the“Open to Work” picture frame. While there are ways to block your employer from seeing it, it’s better to skip it just in case. Likewise, when you apply to a company via LinkedIn, you’ll start following that company. While that may not be a huge red flag, if your profile is set to broadcast every update to your network, your employer may notice and wonder what’s going on.

Mum’s the Word

Searching for a job while you already have one can be tricky. But if you are careful, you can implement somejob search strategiesthat will help youfind a position that is a perfect fit for you without jeopardizing your current one.

And if you’re on the hunt for a remote, flexible, or hybrid job, FlexJobs is here to help. Our extensive database is hand-screened, so you have a scam-free experience. Members get full access, so join today! Or, take the tour and learn how a FlexJobs membership can power your job search.

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