How to Turn Your Internship into a Full-Time Job

While internships are often associated with college students looking to gain experience before they graduate,adults sometimes do internships or returnshipsto change careers or ease back into the work world.

And while many internships have an “expiration date,” that doesn’t mean they can’t turn intofull-time jobs. Here are a few tips to helpimprove the odds that your internship becomes a full-time role.

Turning Your Internship Into a Full-Time Job

When to Approach the Subject

According toNicole Williams, founder of WORKS, a career development company for young professionals, you shouldask about the possibility of turning the internship into a full-time role sooner rather than later. This could be during the interview process or the first few weeks on the job.

However, asking about the possibility of the internship becoming something more is different from applying for an open role. Remember that while you’re there to learn about the industry and the job, the company is also learning about you as an employee. Don’t inquire about making the internship something more until you’ve proven that you’re an excellent employee.

Excel as a Worker

To that end, one of the best ways to turn your internship into a full-time job is to excel in the role!

Go above and beyond whenever you can. Say “yes” to any assignments that come your way, then ask for more. Don’t be afraid to ask questions oreven make mistakes. No one expects you to know much about the job, and these are excellent opportunities to demonstrate your willingness to learn and try new things.

What they do expect, though, is that you understand some of the basics of having a job. Report on time, follow the rules (no social media during work hours), and turn in excellent work before the deadline.

Keep in Touch

During your internship, you’ll meet many people that might be able to help you now and in the future.Connect with them on LinkedInand make an effort to stay in touch.

Even if this internship doesn’t turn into a full-time role right now, your new connections may be more in tune with what’s going on in the industry and could send leads your way. And by staying in regular contact with them, if a new job opens up, they might think of you for the role!

Check Out the Competition

The company you’re interning for likely isn’t the only one in the industry. Make a list of similar companies and see if they’re hiring. Then, check out your new connections and see if they know anyone at these companies they can introduce you to.

Learn All You Can

Williams also points out thatthe best part of an internship is that you’ll get the inside scoop on your industry. Make sure you observe the processes, systems, and politics that are in place. Also, sit in on meetings when you can and take note of not only what’s being said but who’s saying it.


The best way to think of an internship is like a stepping-stone. It’s often just the first step in your career. While there are no guarantees, following these tips might help youturn your internship into the next phase of your career journey.

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