How to Prepare to Work Remotely as an Older Worker

Playing with the grandkids and honing your hobbies sure can be fun in retirement, but you might find that you miss your former working days. If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while and want to jump back in while maintaining some freedom and flexibility in your schedule, a remote job may be the way to go. But are you worried about telecommuting because you’ve never done it before? Don’t! We’ve got a few tips to help you prepare to work remotely, even if it’s completely unfamiliar territory.

Here’s how to prepare to work remotely as an older worker who has never telecommuted before:

Assess your skill set.

Depending on how long it’s been since you held your last position, a little (or a lot) might have changed in your field. Look through some job postings and see what types of requirements are listed. As anolder worker, you may discover that your skills need some sprucing up, so you might need to take some classes, get certified in your field, or even go back to school for that degree.

Being objective about what you know—and what you don’t—can help you be better prepared to submit quality job applications.

Test the tech.

It’s fairly safe to say that if you’re thinking of working remotely, you’ll need to have the basics down when it comes to tech. That means having a good computer or laptop, and a fast (and solid) Internet connection.

After all, you’ll most likely be submitting your application online, so having yourtech in good working orderwill ensure that you’ll be able to work remotely when you do get hired.

Try out the tools.

Once you’ve got the necessary equipment ready to work remotely, it’s time to focus on the tech tools and programs that are a necessity to work in your industry. While some programs might be provided by the company that hires you, you’ll still need to know your way around variouscollaboration programs, (like Google docs, for example) and other applications that are part of working in your field.

Learning programs and tech tools can give you an advantage over other workers who might be unfamiliar with them, and you’ll also have an easier transition to working remotely if you’re already adept at common programs.

Do a trial run.

If this will be your first time working remotely, it’s a good idea to see if remote work is right for you or not. Try out a test run for a week or so by setting up your home office and “working,” whether it’s sending outjob applications, learning new programs, cleaning up your social media profiles, or studying up on the latest innovations in your industry.

Get a feel for what it would be like to be in your home office—do you like working from home, or would you rather take your office outdoors, to a coworking space, or even on the road as adigital nomad? Your week of remote work can help you gauge what your preference is for where, when, and how you’ll work.

Skip the stereotypes.

Older workers might worry that they’ll be passed over for positions in favor of younger job applicants. The fear of being past the preferred hiring age might prevent older workers from applying for the jobs that they really want. The good news is that many employers (remote and otherwise) recognize the value thatolder workersbring to the proverbial conference table.

除了经验和奉献,年长的工人s take pride in hard work and a job well done. Their maturity means that they are better equipped to handle sticky situations, and their communication skills tend to be strong due to many years in the workforce. All of these soft skills are crucial for remote work, and are something that remote employers look for in top candidates. So the next time you hesitate to apply for a job, remember your inherent value as an older worker and submit that job application!

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