Networking Tips for Military Spouses: Where to Focus Your Attention

Military spouses are some of the most talented and professional people out there. But with frequent moves, families to organize and run, and the constant pull of these responsibilities, it can be challenging for military spouses to devote time to their careers.

As a military spouse, it is essential tomake connections in both military and civilian sectors. Each move—physical or career—will bring opportunities for new networking connections. The key is to figure out which of these many networking options is right for you and to focus your attention and efforts in those areas. Not all forms of networking will be possible, comfortable, or the right fit for your needs.

By focusing your attention on the ones that feel right and set you at ease, you’ll make the most out of the opportunities. Consider these tips to get started.

Networking Inside Your Military Community

Even though your professional life is mainly in the civilian world, networking within your military community is the best place to start.

FlexJobs Senior Content ManagerJessica Howingtonis a military spouse. She writes that “networking inside the military community is important每次行动,很有可能that you may know someone at the new station. Keeping in touch, making connections through them, and utilizing their knowledge will help to advance yourself in finding new job opportunities in the present or the future.”

Consider these options within your military community:

Networking in the Civilian Sector

On the other side of the coin lies the civilian sector.Networking within the civilian sector opens up opportunities to showcase your professional skillsin ways that are more broadly recognized withskills more easily translated.

Network During Your Current Activities

Networking doesn’t need to be a formal or official event. Any given day, you probably talk to a handful of people. Most of them are casual acquaintances: neighbors, airplane seatmates, maybe a mom from your child’s school. They may not seem like prime networking opportunities, but they could be!

If you volunteer or are part of groups like book clubs, the PTA, or any other group activities, casually bring up your career interests in those environments.

“The key to these conversations is the two ‘Fs,’ says Allie Jones, Program Manager of Spouse Education and Professional Support at theNational Military Family Association, which awardseducation and career scholarships to military spouses. “Friendliness is the obvious one. Keep a friendly yet professional tone in your communication and keep in mind every interaction matters,” Allie says. The other ‘F’ is for follow-up. “Follow up with any contacts via email or phone,” Allie says. “If appropriate, follow up with a lunch or coffee to build a more personal relationship.”

The point of networking is to get the word out about your career goals, and informal occasions like these are a great place to start. The best part is, you’re usually surrounded by helpful people or even your friends, so the pressure isn’t too high.

Embrace Your Professional Side

As a military spouse, it might feel like your identity is centered around that part of your life more than around your professional life. While that makes perfect sense most of the time, when you need to find a new job or change careers, you’ll need to pivot your focus towards your professional life.

The good news is,with so many resources online, it’s easier than ever for military spouses to focus on their professional lives. Check out LinkedIn,alumni associations, and other online networks designed specifically for professionals. There are seemingly endless opportunities available, and you will find ones that fit your long-term career plans.

Start With LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking site for a reason. LinkedIn has thousands of professional groups to join and network through, including groups for your industry and your college alumni associations. One of the best things about LinkedIn is that you can search for people by name and see their job titles and experience. This makes it easy tofind potential networking partners you might have something in common with.

To truly be successful on LinkedIn,ensure that your profile is completely filled outand you have a cohesive message that aligns with your resume and long-term career goals. Have a regular schedule of being active and engaged, posting relevant and thoughtful responses, and sharing industry news.

Further Your Education

Do you need any continuing education, or is there a current industry certificate you don’t have yet? Is there an option to get one in a group setting, either in person or virtually? Enroll at the local community college for a class that perhaps brushes up your excel skills. Evening and online classes especially aregreat places to meet other working professionals.

You’ll be able to update your status when those are complete, and you’ll be more relatable to other industry professionals who see those credentials. While you’re at it, ask questions. Inquire about the certifications and industry paths you’re considering in your online groups and seek feedback.

Go to In-Person Meetups

As we’ve written about on FlexJobs before, your local Chamber of Commerce is a great place to look for local, in-person, and virtual networking events. In fact, many regularly host scheduled meetups with other local organizations to help members grow their networks.

Outside of the Chamber, find the local professional associations that support your field. Think outside of the box a little if you need to. If you’re an event planner, find the local wedding association events. Suppose you’re a virtual assistant? Realistically, any executive meetup isprime territory for making connections, regardless of the field.

Create business cards, even if you don’t have an official title. Ensure it has your professional contact information on it that won’t change with your next move.

Volunteer for Causes You Believe In

One of the fastest ways to meet like-minded people is tovolunteer for causes and organizationsthat are near and dear to your heart. Maybe it’s helping coordinate an American Red Cross blood drive, being on the board of a nonprofit organization, or helping out at the local library. Think about your interests and passionate causes, and then use sites like to find an opportunity that you can dive into.

While these volunteer positions may not be directly related to your career, they do put you in close contact with lots of other like-minded people. And those people might be able to help your career in ways you’ve never considered.Volunteer positions also give you experience for your resume, contacts for your network, and potential references for your job applications.

Network Your Way to a Fulfilling Career

Military spouses, we know that you’re balancing a lot, andbuilding your career can feel overwhelmingat times. However, with a strong focus on your professional life and understanding how to leverage networking for your benefit, you’ll find plenty of opportunities out there!

And FlexJobs can help you build your career while supporting your family. We offer members exclusive access to our entire jobs database, which is updated every day with remote, hybrid, and flexible jobs in more than 50 career categories. Take the tour to learn more!

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