Author Nancy Collamer on Flexibility in Second-Act Careers

There are more retirees than ever before seeking second-act careers. Reports show that as many as20% of Americans over 65are looking for work at least part-time. While there are various reasons for this, one thing is clear: flexibility is a critical interest for this group.

More and more organizations recognize the benefits of flexible work for younger generations that need to balance family and personal obligations. However,those seeking second-act careers are also eager to enjoy the flexible advantages of balancing work and personal interests.

Many professionals working well into their 60s have various interests and family commitments thatblend better with flexible schedules. As work options become more varied, they no longer have to choose between attending enrichment classes and grandchildren’s activities or fulfilling work.

In an exclusive interview, we spoke with南希Collamer,a career coachand recognized expert on semi-retirement, to get her insights on why灵活的工作是growing in popularity with retirees.

We’re sharing her insights here with you.

Flexibility for Second-Act Careers: An Exclusive Interview

Note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

For many younger workers, retirement seems like the ultimate goal, when they can finally walk away from the daily grind and play golf all day. Is that realistic?

Is it realistic? In some cases, yes. But is it desirable? That’s the more important question. We are living longer, healthier lives, and as a result, many of us will spend 30+ years in our so-called “retirement.” That’s a lot of time to spend on leisure activities—even for those with the financial ability to do so.

Here’s the issue: When you’re working and busy juggling lots of different activities, leisure activities like golf or gardening are rejuvenating. But most people find that the allure of a leisure-centric life fades over time. It’s simply not challenging enough for the long haul. Many people also miss the work environment’s structure, routine, and camaraderie.

As human beings, we are wired to look for meaning and purpose in our lives. We need a reason to get up each morning. So, it’s no surprise that multiple surveys indicate thatthe majority of boomers express interest in working into retirement, albeit in a more flexible and fulfilling way.

You highlight that, contrary to popular opinion, flexibility can be just as important to older workers as it is to younger ones. How so?

Flexibility is critically important to people over 50 for several reasons:

  • Many retirees experiencesignificant caretaking challengesas they care for their children, aging parents, aging spouses, and in some cases, grandchildren.
  • Health challenges often increase as people get older.
  • Older professionals often want to continue to be contributors at work, but they areat a point in their careers and lives when they’d like to downshift a bit.

What are some of the key factors that can make semi-retirement fulfilling and even fun for those considering so-called second-act careers?

There were so many people that contributed inspirational stories to the book. What I took away is that there are many keys to success, but I think most important is to be aware and intentional as you plan “what’s next?”

Who are you? What do you want your semi-retirement to be about? The more time you spend on introspection defining what you love, do well, and find meaningful, the more likely you will enjoy your semi-retirement. Of course, introspection alone is not enough. That’s why it’s so important to try things out in small ways—take a class,volunteer, do a minor freelance assignment—before committing to a change.

Does a second-act career have to be in the same field as someone’s original career?

Definitely not. I’m fond of saying, “It’s not just a second act. It’s a second chance.” This can be a fantastic opportunity to spread your wings and (finally!) do the things you’ve long dreamed about.

That said, it’s beneficial to look to your past for clues to your future: Is there some piece or part of your work experiences—no matter how seemingly insignificant—that might be worth leveraging as a bridge into your next act? Perhaps you most enjoyed facilitating meetings—a skill that could transferto working as a director for a nonprofit.

Or, maybe you loved mentoring younger workers at your company—an experience that could be a springboard into a second act as an executive coach. Remember: all things being equal, it will be easiest to create a second-act career that is at least partially related to what you did before.

Your target audience is older, but should younger professionals considering a career change explore it as well?

Absolutely! My daughters were in their mid-twenties at the time of publishing, and they found the book extremely helpful as well. The book’s first half is chock-full of resources and ideas foranyone interested in flexibility, and the second half is filled withcareer-change strategiesand exercises. While the title includes “semi-retirement,” the book isa worthwhile read for people of all ages looking for fun, flexible, and meaningful work options.

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