About TaskRabbit

TaskRabbit is a service platform that instantly connects people looking for help with a wide variety of odd-jobs and errands with skilled "Taskers" to complete the tasks.

Interesting note: TaskRabbit was acquired by IKEA in 2017, and they launched a furniture assembly service through TaskRabbit in 2018.

Since 2008

Most US States/Cities

How to Apply

You can在网站上注册成为“塔”. Orientation includes registering online, attending an info session in your city, and then downloading the TaskRabbit app so the tasker can begin accepting work. Once you sign on to be a "tasker," you can search opportunities available at the rate you wish to be paid. How it Works: - TaskRabbit notifies you of potential jobs nearby - Select the one you want to complete - Confirm details with your Client - Complete the work and submit your invoice

Location Details

Taskrabbit is established in most metropolitan U.S. cities, and there isa full list of services by city on their site.


San Francisco, CA

Job Types

Popular categories for tasksinclude:

  • Grocery Delivery
  • Gardening
  • Errands
  • Handyman/woman
  • Furniture Assembly
  • Personal Assistant
  • Minor Plumbing
  • Moving



Experience Level

All levels, but the more skilled you are the more you can make.


  • Easy option to become a member immediately and begin working soon after joining.
  • Wide variety of tasks available that typically don't require a special skill or education to complete.
  • Because you can select the jobs they want, their schedule is very fluid and flexible.
  • Quick way to earn cash for a variety of lower-level skills.
  • Offers the opportunity to help others by helping community members with tasks they can't do or don't have time to do.
  • Offers "TaskRabbit for Good" to help neighbors in need.
  • Would allow people to stretch their budget/supplement their income with opportunities for ready gigs for cash.
  • More experience with TaskRabbit offers the opportunity to be part of the "TaskRabbit Elite," which are the highest rated taskers.


  • Mostly unskilled labor positions.
  • Most successful taskers are available on short notice.
  • Onsite or out-and-about positions that typically cannot be completed remotely.
  • Some complaints have been registered about low-paying gigs on site.

Price to Be on the Platform

User who has a task to complete pays 15% of the total paid to the tasker as a service fee.

How You Get Paid

  • Tasker earns the set rate for the posted task, which can be hourly or a flat fee minus the service fee.
  • Tasker also keeps 100% of tips.
  • Average taskers doing this as a small side job/supplementary income earn approximately $110 per month.


Requires the following:

  • A US Social Security Number.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Pass a background and ID check.
  • Have a valid credit card and checking account.
  • You’ll need a smartphone.

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