About Kat Boogaard

Kat Boogaard is a writer specializing in career and self-development advice. In addition to being a contributing writer at FlexJobs, she's also a staff writer for The Muse, a columnist for Inc., and a career writer for The Everygirl. Her advice has been published by numerous outlets, including Forbes, Fast Company, Business Insider, TIME, and Mashable. When she's not writing for other people, Kat loves dishing out advice for newbie freelance writers onher website.

8 Steps to Take Before Starting a New Job

Feeling a little anxious about starting a new job? Calm those jitters by doing these eight things to prepare for your first day.

10 Tips to Juggle Multiple Projects as a Freelancer

One of the biggest challenges of freelancing is needing to successfully juggle multiple projects and clients. These ten key strategies can help.

How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Remotely?”

If you’re interviewing for a remote job, the question is bound to pop up. Here’s how to answer it strategically, plus sample answers to help you prepare.

The Right and Wrong Reasons to Work Remotely

What makes you want to pursue remote work? There are good and bad reasons to go remote. Here’s how to figure out what’s driving your decision.

Job Interview Advice You May Not Have Heard Before

有很多面试的建议。Check out these lesser-known, but just as useful job interview tips and tactics.

8 Signs Your Resume Isn’t Ready to Be Submitted

Ready to hit that submit button? Wait! Slow down and make sure that your resume is error-free and perfect for the job. Here are signs your resume isn’t ready.

How to Deal with a Toxic Remote Coworker

What can you do when one of your colleagues is dragging you down? Here are some do’s and don’ts of dealing with a toxic remote coworker.

How to Write a Freelance Resume

Here’s why you should consider maintaining a resume as a freelancer, and how to create one that showcases your skills and experience.

Are Remote Workers More Productive?

You may have heard that remote workers get a serious productivity boost. But are remote workers more productive? Here’s what the data says.

6 Common Career Mistakes Freelancers Make

What if you could learn something without having to slip up yourself? Here are six common career mistakes freelancers make, and how you can avoid them.

How to Accept a Job Offer: Tips and Email Example

There’s more involved in accepting a job offer than saying “yes.” Here’s what to say, how to negotiate or accept the offer, and what to do next.

How to Start a Job Search in 5 Steps

Ready to start your job search? Follow these steps to hit the ground running with a job search plan that will help you find the best opportunities for you.

How to Find a Freelance Mentor and Why You Should

A mentor can be a great asset to a career, especially when you’re a full-time freelancer. Here’s how to find a freelance mentor.

4 Tips to Help Prioritize Your Work Tasks

Prioritization at work can be challenging especially if priorities frequently shift. These 4 strategies can help you prioritize work tasks.

5 Tips to Be a More Confident Job Seeker

Rest assured, nerves are normal during a job search. But here are five tips to becoming a more confident job seeker.

6 Signs You Might Be Overqualified for a Job and How to Handle It

Whether you’re deciding to apply or are feeling uncertain during the interview, here are six signs that you may be overqualified for a job and how to handle it.

How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Getting started as a freelance writer can be challenging. Check out these tips to help you find freelance writing jobs, secure clients, and land contracts.

How to Demonstrate Transferable Skills on Your Resume

When you don’t seem to be a natural fit for a job, you can highlight your transferable skills. Here’s how to showcase transferable skills on a resume.

What to Know About Temporary Employment

Temporary employment is a great choice for people who want a work schedule that gives them extended time off. Here’s what you need to know!

Landing Your First Client as a Freelancer with No Experience

Landing your first client as a freelancer can be a tricky situation, especially when you have no experience. Use these tips to get in the door.

How to Transition to a Remote Job

Are you about to transition to a remote job? Learn how to make the change as seamless as possible so you can begin enjoying the many benefits!

How to Successfully Move Forward From Job Rejection

Job rejection is tough, but common. Use these tips to help you work through it and figure out what you can do to land your next job.

How to Quit a Freelance Job Gracefully

Freelancing isn’t all about continuously adding new clients to your plate. Here’s how to quit a freelance job without burning bridges.

What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Remote Job

Figuring out what highlight in a cover letter is a challenge. But here are some tips on what to include in a cover letter for a remote job.

You Don’t Need a Reason to Want to Work Remotely

With any sort of career decision, it’s easy to feel like you need to have a solid, irrefutable, evidence-backed reason for every choice you make.

How to Find New Motivation When You Get Lazy Working from Home

Some days you’ll feel totally tapped out of energy and focus. Here are some common reasons why you might get lazy working from home, as well as how to deal with them.

When You Change Your Mind After Accepting a Job Offer

You were offered a job and you gleefully accepted. But you’re having second thoughts. Here’s what to do if you change your mind after accepting a job offer.

6 Job Search Tips for Freelancers

Freelancing is exhausting and challenging at times. But, here’s the good news: it doesn’t need to be totally painful. Exactly what do you need to know when you’re hunting for new gigs? Here are six must-know job search tips for freelancers.

6 Signs You Should Pursue a Freelance Career

Wrestling with whether or not you should take the leap into a freelance career? Here are some telltale signs you’re ready.

Why Freelancing Is a Great Option for Caregivers

Being a caregiver places a lot of demands on your time, energy, and attitude. But, make no mistake, freelancing can be a great option for caregivers. Here’s why.

Why Boomers Have Millennials to Thank for Remote Work

Millennials have become the face of remote work, and for valid reason. Here’s why boomers (and all of us!) have millennials to thank for remote work.

How to Handle Some of the Biggest Cons of Freelancing

No career path is without flaws, including freelance. Here are five of the biggest cons of freelancing and how to deal with them.

Why Setting a Higher Freelance Rate May Get You More Clients

Here’s the reality: continually devaluing your work and undercutting your own prices can actually backfire. Here’s why setting a higher freelance rate can quite literally pay off.

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming a Freelancer

For as dreamy as freelancing can be, there are also some hard realities to deal with. Here are six questions to ask yourself before becoming a freelancer.