How to Read Job Descriptions—And What to Look Out For

When you’re on the hunt for a new job, you may be tempted to apply to anything and everything that looks remotely interesting at first glance. But failing to read job descriptions in their entirety can be a huge mistake—one that may not only waste your time but can also cost you the job.

Readingevery job ad carefully helps you better understand the companyand whether or not you’d be happy there. It also helps you figure out whether or not you’re qualified for the role and how to tailor your cover letter and resume.

So, how do you read a job description, and what should you look out for?

8 Tips on How to Read Job Descriptions

1. Give the Ad a Thorough Read

While it may sound like a no-brainer to say “read the whole post,” busy job hunters sometimes jump into applying rather than thoughtfully considering all the information presented. You’ll save time in the long run by taking the time toevaluate each job description and your suitability for itrather than whipping off uninspired material.

2. Look at the Qualifications and Responsibilities

“Required” or “minimum” qualifications are skills, educational attainment, andexperiencethat the employer has deemed essential for this position. If you don’t fulfill the majority of them, it usually doesn’t make sense to apply.

Similarly, scrutinize the list of tasks for this role. How many of them could you perform well? Would you be excited about doing these things on a daily basis?If you lack either ability or enthusiasm, move on.

3. Title Match

As you read through the qualifications and responsibilities, ask yourself if they match the title. For example, if the title is “Communications Coordinator” and you only need zero to one year of experience, this is likely an entry-level role. However, if the duties include things like managing others or creating the communications strategy, the job suddenly sounds like a more senior role and may be one that you’re not qualified for.

While it may be an honest mistake (someone forgot to proofread everything before it was posted),a title that doesn’t seem to match the duties or qualifications is something to watch out for. It may be that the company needs a more seasoned professional but only wants to pay an entry-level salary for that role.

4. Find the Keywords

As you read through the job posting, take some time toidentify the keywords. These are the words used most often in the description and can give youinsight into the company culture.

For example, if the ad always refers to “clients,” you’ll want to tout your client service skills in yourcover letterandresume. Likewise, this tells you that no matter what role you have, the whole company thinks of their users as clients.

5. Evaluate the Tone

While you’re searching the ad for keywords, also evaluate the tone of the job posting. Is the language formal or casual? Does the ad seem to talk about collaborative work and team spirit more than lone wolves and working independently?

These clues can help youfigure out how to position your applicationand tell you a lot aboutthe company’s cultureand whether or not you might be happy there.

6. Watch the Language

除了关键字和tone, keep an eye out for specific wording that will give you insight into what the company is like.

For example, if you see words like “high energy,” “good at pivoting,” and “dedicated and devoted,” you might be looking at a company that’s fast-paced and works long hours. If that’s what you’re looking for, go for it! If it’s not, you’re better off skipping the application.

7. Watch for Red Flags

Diligent reading can also tip you off tojob scams.Proceed carefully when anything sounds too good to be trueor if something just doesn’t feel right.

Ads that say things like “unlimited earning potential,” promise you high pay for a part-time role ($100,000 for a 20-hour-a-week job), or that you need zero experience for (when clearly, you need it) are likely a scam.

However, there are other red flags to watch out for. For example, an ad that’s short or very vague might be a real job at a legitimate company. But it could also indicate that the company isn’t very well organized or doesn’t have an HR department, which may not be a company you want to work for.

Likewise, seeing the same ad for the same position over and over and over could indicate that there is high turnover at the company. Alternatively, it could indicate that the role is very hard to fill. While not a red flag, it is something to apply for with caution.

8. End the Way You Started

Reread the job description one last time before sending your application toensure you’ve addressedeverything. Employers sometimes provide a specific phrase for the email subject line or ask for the answer to an unconventional question as a way to see which candidates took the time to read thoroughly and follow directions.

The job description may also include important information, like when the company is no longer accepting applications or when you can expect to hear from them.

Close Read for Success

When you see a job posting you’re excited about, it’s natural to want to apply right away! But before you do,make sure you read and reread the job descriptioncarefully. What looks like a dream job at first glance may not be what you think it is after a second and third read-through.

If you’re on the hunt for a new job, FlexJobs can help. Our extensive database of legitimate, remote and flexible jobs has something for everyone. FlexJobs members get full access to the database and so much more every day. Take the tour and learn more about the benefits of membership!

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