Networking Tips

How to Use Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to Grow Your Network

Effectively networking requires the use of emotional intelligence. If you’re looking to build a thriving network, these tips will help you meet your community on an emotional level.

The Right Way to Connect With Hiring Managers

Engaging with a hiring manager too casually can set back your job search. Here’s how to connect with hiring managers and make the right impression.

How to Avoid Overusing Your Networking Connections

Relying on a few important professional contacts? Here’s how to maintain your connections, grow your network, and give as much as you take.

Why Networking Is So Beneficial After Being Laid Off

Networking is an invaluable tool, especially after being laid off. Here are some ways you can use networking to find your next opportunity.

7 Tips for Starting a Conversation With a Stranger

Starting a conversation can be difficult when you don’t know the other person. Try these strategies to ease into conversation and make new connections.

Job Titles Are Boring: Here’s How to Describe Your Work

Most job titles mean almost nothing to people outside your place of work. Instead, use these strategies to describe your work when networking.


Bigger isn’t always better when networking—small events can be just as beneficial. Use these six tips to navigate small networking events like a pro.

4 Connections That Can Help You Land an Executive-Level Job

Are you set on landing an executive-level job? Your network can have a powerful impact. These types of connections can help you land an executive-level job.

5 Must-Ask Networking Questions

Don’t waste your networking opportunity—ask these eight questions to make new, meaningful connections that will help you grow your career.

How to Network When You Don’t Know Anyone

What are the best ways to network if you’re starting from scratch? Use these strategies to begin creating and expanding your network.

How to End a Conversation When Networking

At networking events, you may find it’s difficult to wrap up conversations and move on. Here’s how to end an exchange and reconnect at another time.

6 Ways to Interact With New People in Your Network

If you aren’t sure how to engage with new additions to your network, here are a few ways to connect and grow your professional relationships.

How to End a Networking Conversation Tactfully

Some networking conversations can run long, or even hit a dead end. Here’s how to end conversations gracefully, so you can make the most of your time.

The Ultimate Guide to Professional Networking

Whether networking causes fear or excitement for you, here’s how to master the process and build supportive professional connections.

Why You May Not Be Getting the Jobs You Want

To find the job you want, you might need to have more people on your side. Here’s how to network and tap into the hidden job market.

8Essential Job Search Skills for New Grads

Are you a new grad? Landing your first job out of college can be tough. Here’s how to start your search, establish your personal brand, network, and more.

10 Best Job Search Tips for the Graduating Class

Are you graduating and looking for your first job? Use these job search tips for new graduates from college career advisors and career counselors.

Military Spouses: Volunteering During Employment Gaps

Volunteering can provide a tremendous amount of professional experience for military spouses. Here’s how volunteering can move your career forward.

6 Networking Tips to Build an Influential Network

It takes effort to build a great professional network, but it’s one of the best things for your career. Use these networking strategies to build your network.

How to Use LinkedIn Effectively in Your Job Search

LinkedIn is a great place to find opportunities and make connections that can help you land your next job. Use these strategies to make the most of LinkedIn in your job search.

How to Build a Professional Network as a Remote Worker

Being a remote worker shouldn’t stop you from having a strong network. Here’s how to build a professional network and manage your connections.

How to Grow a Professional Network You’ll Actually Love

Networking doesn’t need to be intimidating or unpleasant. Use these tips to create real professional connections that you’ll love to engage with.

Networking Tips for Military Spouses: Where to Focus Your Attention

网络打开了一系列米利的机会tary spouses. Use these networking tips to make connections in your military and civilian community to get ahead!

Networking Emails That Activate and Engage Your Connections

Your professional network can help you connect with the right opportunities during your job search. Use these email tips to keep your network updated and engaged.

How to Reconnect With Old Contacts During a Job Search

Fallen out of touch with your network? Use these tips to reconnect with your professional contacts, catch up, and build a deeper connection.

7 Things to Consider Before You Ask a Friend for a Job Referral

Thinking about asking a friend to give you a job referral? Here are a few things to consider before you make your request.

Networking Conversation Starters and Strategies

When networking, you’ll often have to make the first move. By coming prepared, with some interesting conversation starters, you’ll easily connect with a wide range of professionals.

8Ways to Grow Your Professional Network

Networking is a great way to connect with people who will help you along your professional journey. Use these eight networking tips to grow your professional network.

Simple, Effective Ways to Network in Your Remote Job Search Beyond LinkedIn (Webinar Recording)

Webinar: A FlexJobs career coach will discuss the simple networking steps you can take to move your job search forward.

6 Networking Tips for a Career Change

Having a strong professional network is especially important when switching careers. Use these networking tips to break into new career fields.

Parents: How to Start Networking Again

Reaching out to former colleagues and professional associations will go a long way. Here are more ways to start growing your professional network.

Networking Your Way Through a Career Change

A strong network of professional connections can help you find new opportunities—your network can also be a source of career advice and inspiration.

How to Send a Message on LinkedIn

While you could use the standard template to send a message on LinkedIn, here are some tips to help you send a message that gets results!

Building Your LinkedIn Profile for Success: Checklist

Networking on LinkedIn can make a huge difference in your job search. Here’s a checklist to help you get the most out of your profile.